简介:Since his father found a mysterious package and heard the eerie sounds of an indigenous tribe, ARDI and his family have experienced strange events. SUCIPTO (his father), MARNI (his mother), and ARIF (his younger brother) all fell ill, one by one. Ardi and his younger sister, SYIFA, believe this is the result of a santet (a deadly curse), and they will be the next victims. It is...
简介:three distant and diverse existences caught in a same tension: the search for their own identity and the sense of ''being'' in a present of continuous transformation. All of them was born after 1989 the end of all the revolutions.
主演:马克·休伯曼 Eoin Duffy 扎拉·德夫林 áine Ní Laoghaire Maeve Leonard Meabh Maguire Jace Bayley Kennedy
导演:Mélanie Delloye
简介:A young pregnant woman discovers that her perfect boyfriend may be a dangerous sleepwalker when she finds out of strange disappearances and murders taking place in the region.
简介:Paris: A Wild Story relates the astonishing destinies of those living creatures that stroll through town in search of food, love and adventures while men sleep, travel and work in the city. This screening is organized in partnership with the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States.
简介:Paris: A Wild Story relates the astonishing destinies of those living creatures that stroll through town in search of food, love and adventures while men sleep, travel and work in the city. This screening is organized in partnership with the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States.
简介:选手们通过将经典汽车改造变成电动车来打造面向未来的高端汽车。在关注气候变化和排放问题的同时,一个精巧的机械师团队正在利用最新的技术和工程进步来修复、重建流行的经典车辆并将其转变为未来几代人的电动梦想汽车。由惠勒经销商背后的精通汽车的团队制作,重点讲述多款经典车型的改造,每辆车都有独特的历史以及一系列设计和工程挑战。 第一季: Volkswagen Karmann Ghia Chesil Speedster Fiat 500 Lancia Fulvia Photon Electric Bike Land Rover Defender MG Midget Ferrari 308 GTS BMW 1602 Porsche 914 联合制作:Attaboy TV, MPH Films
简介:本片首次追溯了水肺潜水的历史,这是一部关于人类探索极限的历史科学纪录片。人类潜水的起源可以追溯到几千年前,人们通过实验、探索甚至是总结过往发生的事故及意外,不断试探潜水的极限,直至下潜到海洋深处。本片通过解析过往的潜水实验,解构潜水的生理原理,并将观众带入水下探索的迷人世界。这是一部历史和科学纪录片,讲述了人们探索浩瀚海洋的冲动。 PRODUCTEUR(S): [ARTE France](https://distribution.arte.tv/fiche/L_ivresse_des_profondeurs), Les Gens Bien Production
简介:《与鲨共舞》是一部具有启示性的系列纪录片,旨在揭示对鲨鱼的奇想并破除鲨鱼是冷血杀手的神话。博物学家兼鲨鱼专家史蒂夫·贝克肖(Steve Backshall)让我们更接近鲨鱼,揭示了一个由400多种不同类型组成的的家族。这场全球之旅将从阿拉斯加冰冷的海水出发,到达热带地区,再深入我们的海洋深处。史蒂夫将与尖端科学家合作,从发光的鲨鱼到在陆地上行走的鲨鱼,再到500多年前的古老鲨鱼,都将有新的发现。现在,这个不可思议的家庭比以往任何时候都更需要我们的帮助。由于过度捕捞、割鱼翅和栖息地破坏,我们每小时都会失去11000多条鲨鱼。史蒂夫将直面令人不安的真相,并与全球各地的鲨鱼倡导者一起帮助扭转鲨鱼的潮流。与这个令人恐惧但被误解的捕食者针锋相对,史蒂夫将以全新的视角揭示鲨鱼。 制作:True To Nature
简介:Around the world, obesity levels are rising. More people are now overweight than undernourished. Jacques Peretti traces those responsible for revolutionising our eating habits
导演:John Hayes Fisher Richard Sanders Anna Williams
简介:Documentary series charting the story of Queen Victoria after the death of her beloved husband Albert in 1861, examining how one-by-one her children rebelled against her and the family were touched by tragedy.
简介:布赖恩考克斯教授游历地球上一些最令人惊奇的地点,向观众展示和剖析自然法则所造就的太阳系的伟大自然奇观。 第1集 太阳帝国 第 2集 从混沌到秩序 第3集 蔚蓝色的大气层 第4集 生与死 第5集 未知世界 Professor Brian Cox visits some of the most stunning locations on earth to describe how the laws of nature have carved natural wonders across the solar system. In this first episode Brian explores the powerhouse of them all, the sun. In India he witnesses a total solar eclipse ...
导演:Florian Fielder Daniel Koschera Sina Hutt Daniel Lange
简介:These are six of the toughest prisons in the world. Prisons so tough, even gang bosses and killers learn the meaning of fear. Across four continents, six different prisons, the series takes us beyond the gates, walls, barred windows and cells into an unknown world, a world we know exists, but a world nobody wants to think about. Imagine prisons so tough that even the hardest ga...
导演:Christel Fomm Sabine Klauser Martin Carazo Mendez 克里斯蒂安·特温特 Gero von Boehm
简介:This ground-breaking series tells the story of Europe in six glossy episodes exploring different chapters of its eventful history. It’s a journey through time and across space, from physical beginnings to the first human settlers, the evolution of European culture and religion, historical achievements in exploration, technology and politics, and a daring look at the continent’s...
简介:Nigel Watkins is a farmer and vice-world champion sheepdog handler. Together with his partner, Janet, he runs his little farm Llanddeusant in the Brecon Beacons National Park in the south of Wales. Farming takes up a fair amount of his time, but his hobbies take up much more of it: he trains Border Collies, a breed of sheepdog. He has been taking part in competitions since he w...
简介:这是一场穿越欧洲大陆的旅行,也是一次跨越时间和空间的探险我们寻找古代海洋的蛛丝马迹,发掘热带雨林中的生物遗迹,探索高山之巅的神秘世界。旅途中,我们会与恐龙为伴,之后,还会邂逅尼安德特人,见证那些几乎毁灭一切的宇宙浩劫。我们将目睹猎手和猎物间的生死较量,揭秘欧洲大陆漫长的演化史。 第1集 恐龙时代 / 大裂变(Part 1: The Big Crash) 第2集 人类时代 / 我的人类星球(Part 2: Human Earth / My Human Earth) 解说:Mark Rossman
简介:On his incredible culinary adventure, Masterchef presenter and celebrity chef John Torode, will explore the Asian continent like never before. In each location, John will hunt down the most inspiring cooks, and discover the distinctive flavours of their country’s cuisine. Cooking on location with local chefs, each episode will see four sumptuous dishes created. Along the way, J...